WP eCommerce Plugins

GetShopped.org: Shippable goods, digital downloads, services subscriptions and memberships- WP e-Commerce makes it easy to sell to customers. Set up your own shop in minutes, or design and deploy a highly functional shop for clients. Using WP e-Commerce is like using WordPress. – Tags: plugins – http://getshopped.org/

10 Great Responsive eCommerce WordPress Themes: Now that responsive web design is all the rage, theme shops are launching responsive eCommerce WordPress themes.  One area that I see great potential for responsive design is in eCommerce.  Before we get any further, let me cover what responsive web design is and why it is important. – Tags: themes – http://todayinwebdesign.com/2012/02/10-great-responsive-ecommerce-wordpress-themes/

WordPress+Shopp ecommerce platform: Simplified, streamlined, sublime. Simplified, streamlined, sublime. Run sales, add new products, update inventory, ship orders. It’s all there, and it’s easy. – Tags: plugins – https://shopplugin.net/

Verkaufen unter WordPress: 11 brauchbare E-Commerce-Lösungen: Mit nur wenigen Klicks lassen sich WordPress-Blogs in vollwertige Shops umwandeln: E-Commerce-Plugins und Themes machen es möglich. – Tags: wordpress – http://playground.ebiene.de/1787/wordpress-ecommerce-loesungen/

DukaPress – Ein e-Commerce Plugin für WordPress: DukaPress ist ein kostenlosessx e-Commerce Plugin für WordPress, mit dessen Hilfe sich schnell umfangreiche Online-Shops einrichten lassen. Neben normalen Produkten eignet sich das System auch zum Verkauft digitaler Produkte, also Downloads. – by KHK – Tags: wordpress – http://wp-plugin-archive.de/2010/07/dukapress-ein-e-commerce-plugin-fuer-wordpress/

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